Kabra (Base,Class-Up Majin, Super Majin, God Majin, Super God Majin, UI Omen, Goku Linking, Frieza Linking, 18 Linking).Golden Super Mode: Except for their SSG, SSB, and Omen forms.įrom left to right: Yoshito-Kun, Kabura and Salaga ( Base ◊, Class Up ◊, Super Class Up ◊, God Class ◊, Super God Class, UI Omen).Activated by their Change card action ability (CCA). Super Mode: Their Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, God, Blue and Omen forms.He appears in every trailer for the game and is even part of the game's logo.
Series Mascot: Beat, the male Saiyan Hero, is this to the series.Both Beat and Note star in a special episode of the SDBH anime, to celebrate the game's 10th anniversary.Eventually reappears along with Froze in Super Dragon Ball Heroes Universe Mission, having gained their Super God Class Up as well.Out of Focus: Beat and Note are considered the trailer's default mascot, but while Beat has appeared in all of the trailers, once the Super part of the game began Note vanished entirely, likely due to there being too many good guys to keep track of.Musical Theme Naming: Beat and all three of the girls.but in exchange, they start each game with more ki than any other avatar type and also recover it more quickly than most to boot, meaning that they can potentially stay in play much longer. Females have much lower stat growths and caps, making them look like the Master of None. Beat in particular is this amongst the avatars as a whole. Jack-of-All-Stats: The males have their stat growths tuned this way.Future Spandex: The Berserkers both wear outfits that resemble bodysuit versions of the standard Saiyan/Freeza Force armor.Viola's appearance resembles Android 18 with black hair, or a gender swapped Android 17.Erito is essentially a Saiyan version of Android 17.Understandable, since he is Goku's eat-great-grandson. Beat is yet another Goku doppelganger.Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Erito and Basaku's names are literally just the Japanese pronunciations of "Elite" and "Berserker".Character Tics: In Victory Mission, Erito has a habit of spelling out a word, then saying it in conversation for example, in his intro chapter he says "S-A-S-U-G-A! You're pretty good note Sasuga da na!".Whenever she manages pull off a combo she'll start raising her voice to the point of sounding outright malicious.

Blood Knight: Viola shows shades of this.Bare Your Midriff: Note's first outfit consists of this.Badass Adorable: They are all kids, but can fight on the same level as Goku and the strongest villains.Badass Cape: Beat during the Galaxy Missions.Anime Hair: All of them have hair based around characters from Z, so naturally their hair is pretty out there.Akina note A special female Saiyan avatar based on Akina Minami of Sakiyomi Jum-Bang! to promote the show.Forte (Base, SS, SS2, SS3, SSG, SSB, UI Omen, Goku Linking, Frieza Linking, 18 Linking).Viola (Base, SS, SS2, SS3, SSG, SSB, UI Omen, Goku Linking, Frieza Linking, 18 Linking).Note (Base,SS, SS2, SS3, SSG, SSB, UI Omen, Goku Linking, Frieza Linking, 18 Linking).From left to right: Viola, Note and Forte ( Base, SS ◊, SS2 ◊, SS3 ◊, SSG ◊, SSB, UI Omen)